Criminal Defense Lawyer | Long Island Criminal Defense Attorney
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How to Seal Your Criminal Record

There are many people carrying the burden and stigma of a past criminal record. Under newly-enacted legislation, you will be able to seal up to two criminal convictions (only one felony) for all crimes except violent felonies, sex crimes and class A felonies.


Who is eligible?

You are eligible if you have been crime-free for at least 10 years since your conviction and/or release and you have only 2 convictions on your criminal record. If you have more than 2 convictions, you may still be eligible if your convictions are related to the same incident.


What happens when a criminal record is sealed?

Once sealed, your records cannot be seen by “any person or public or private agency” such as employers or government agencies. However, even after sealing, records can still be seen by immigration authorities, Federal and State Law Enforcement Agencies, those reviewing applicants for jobs as police or peace officers, a licensing agency reviewing an application for a gun permit and others.


This new law will in many circumstances help you overcome the obstacles you have faced as a result of your criminal record. Ms. Hochberg will help you take full advantage of the law so that you will not be forever penalized for your past mistakes.


Contact Louise Hochberg for a consultation.


*You can also e-mail Louise Hochberg by using the form below.  Do not include any details regarding the facts of your case or the case you are inquiring about in any message you send.